A 6-Step Guide to Your Beehive Broadband Internet Installation Process

Have you ever wondered how you magically get fiber internet in your home? How do you get the connection to stream your favorite shows, browse the internet or scroll social media for the latest memes?

Through the fiber installation process, of course!

We want you to BEE aware of how we give you the best internet connection! Let’s walk through the steps.

Step 1 — Check your Address

Are you in a fiber internet provided area?

Sometimes, Beehive Broadband’s fiber internet will already be installed in your neighborhood or business. To see if Beehive is in your area, use our Check Your Address tool

If we aren’t in your area, give us a buzz. We’re constantly working to expand our network to reach more homes and businesses in Western Utah and Eastern Nevada. Often times a new development may not show service availability on our website. Please reach out to our Customer Service Team if you’ve been referred by your home builder. If your home shows as serviceable online, fill out the inquiry form on our website and please be sure to watch your email for a service application. Once you receive the service application through your email, be sure to send it back to us so we can process the application and get started on your service request!

How early should I submit an application for service? 

We suggest submitting an application for service as soon as possible! The more notice we have the better. The general time frame for installation is 4-6 weeks. By submitting your application prior to moving in, you’re allotting time for our team to complete the work needed to have fiber prepared to install once you’re ready to move in.

Step 2 — Beehive will create an engineering design for the construction path

To install your service, it is very likely that construction will need to be done to get service from the street to your home. This must be complete before the installation can take place. Before construction is started, our team will come out and take a look at your property by completing what we call a site walk. With the information gathered from a site walk, Beehive will develop an engineering design so we understand where to perform construction to install your service. The engineering design will give us a clear direction for the project.

Step 3 — “Drop” construction

Drop construction is simply the process of expanding our fiber service from the street to where it will enter your home. This process typically involves trenching or boring from the street to your house. During the drop construction process, Beehive will install a pipe that is called a conduit.

The conduit will be installed between your home and the curb of the street and is typically buried about 18” in the ground. As we install the conduit, we will use utility locators to help prevent damage to gas, water, and power lines. During this process, you may notice blue stake colors and or flag markings appear on your property. This is a good indication that the construction team is getting close to excavating on the property. If you have questions or concerns about where the construction will be taking place you may request a copy of the design for construction. Our Engineering department can also help answer any questions or concerns you may have. The cost to complete the drop construction to a home is mostly absorbed by Beehive. A small portion of those costs are paid by a customer with their one-time installation fee.

This step is completed without the homeowner needing to be present, but our crew will knock upon arrival to notify you that work is about to begin.

Oftentimes we get asked if getting a dedicated fiber connection will destroy your yard. By using directional boring methods, there will be limited disturbances to your property. We keep construction almost entirely underground with minimal impact to the surface when possible. If directional boring isn’t an option and our team has to trench through the yard, we will guarantee that your yard will look just as good after the installation as it did prior.

Not sure what trenching or boring is? You can learn more about what these are along with other commonly used terms from our Service Lingo — Terms to Know blogpost.

Step 4 — Pull fiber

Pulling fiber is the physical process of pulling a fiber cable through the conduit in your yard from the street to your house. This fiber cable is what is going to be connected to the Beehive network and is what will be used to deliver your Fiber internet service!

Step 5 — Complete fiber splicing

The underground work has been completed and the Fiber has been pulled! The next step is to complete the process of tying the newly buried Fiber cable into Beehive’s main network. This process is called Fiber Splicing and it is how we get light (or active service) from the Beehive network to your house. This process will enable your fiber optics to be active and must be completed before we can move to the next step which is to schedule your final install into the home.

Step 6 — Schedule installation of service 

When fiber splicing has been finished, we will then reach out to schedule your internal installation of service so you can enjoy having lightning-fast fiber internet! With a Beehive Fiber connection, you can experience speeds up to 1Gbps, have dependable service that you can trust and you won’t have to worry about any data caps! Beehive also offers BEEtv and Digital Voice phone service at affordable rates. To learn more about these services please visit our website.

Another perk of getting fiber? Fiber connection makes your home more valuable. Fiber-to-the-Home Council predicts that a fiber connection can add up to $5,000 in value to your home.

If you have any questions after your installation process has taken place, give us a buzz at 844-390-3310. Our Beehive Broadband Connection Specialists will be happy to help you out! If your internet connection is ever down, read through our blog, “Internet Down? Things to Check” and see if it answers your questions.


Areas we serve.


Bear River, Bothwell, Brigham City, Bullfrog, Caineville, Callao, Cedar Highlands, Centerville, Clearfield, Elwood, Enterprise, Erda, Eskdale, Gandy, Garrison, Gold Hill, Grantsville, Grouse Creek, Howell, Ibapah, Kelton, Kolob, Lake Point, Layton, Lehi, Lindon, Lofgreen, Lucin, Lynn, Marble Hill, Mantua, Midvale, Morgan, Mountain Green, Murray, Notom, Orem, Park City, Park Valley, Partoun, Payson, Perry, Petersen, Penrose, Pleasant Grove, Porterville, Providence, Rush Valley, Sandy Ranch, Skull Valley, SLC(Avenues), Snake Valley, Snowville, Stansbury, Stockton, Terra, Thatcher, Ticaboo, Tooele, Tremonton, Trout Creek, Vernon, Wendover, West Haven, West Point, West Valley City, Woodland Hills


Burbank, Deeth, Elko, Goshute, Independence, Marys River, Montello, Moor, Oasis, Pilot Valley, Pleasant Valley, Wells, West Wendover